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 Как построить Стоунхендж (забытые технологии) 
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З нами з: 23 травня 2009, 23:33
Повідомлень: 643
Звідки: Ukraine
Повідомлення Как построить Стоунхендж (забытые технологии)

Однажды 35-ти летнему плотнику Уоллесу Т. Уоллингтону (Wallace T. Wallington) пришлось решить вопрос о том, как убрать 500 килограммовый бетонный блок. К счастью, или нет, но у его в этот день не оказалось ни крана, ни экскаватора, ни еще какой-либо подходящей техники. Хотя, конечно, можно было взять в руки кувалду и за пол дня разбить бетонный блок на мелкие кусочки, но это слишком трудоемкий труд — решил Уоллес. Тогда пришлось изобретать…

С помощью нехитрой системы рычагов и противовесов, он довольно быстро оторвал бетонный блок, и погрузил его в кузов грузовичка. Этот, поистине бесценный опыт, дал ему большие знания, а так же азарт при возникновении подобных ситуаций, когда тяжелой техники просто нет. И ему удалось!

Я обнаружил, что древние легенды по всему миру являются правдой. Некоторые мегалиты вполне могли быть установлены всего лишь одним человеком. Я могу построить пирамиду Хеопса в Гизе, используя мои уже наработанные методы и с использованием самых примитивных инструментов

А надо было всего лишь из врага такого тяжелого строительства — гравитации, сделать своего лучшего друга и союзника. Для подтверждения своих слов, он решил построить копию Стоунхенджа, исключительно своими руками, без использования современной техники

Сайты Wallace T. Wallington:

http://rumbur.ru/technology/1356-zabiti ... ei-piramid

Ну? С богом, что ли? Одеваем!

Suum cuique

31 травня 2011, 22:08
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Аватар користувача

З нами з: 23 травня 2009, 23:33
Повідомлень: 643
Звідки: Ukraine
Повідомлення Re: Как построить Стоунхендж (забытые технологии)

Note: The start location is marked with a bucket. Total weight here is 21,600 lbs.

How It All Began

I am a retired carpenter with 35 years experience in construction. In my work experience, over the years, many times I had to improvise on tools that were not at hand in order to get the job done.

At one of these times, about 20 years ago, I had to remove some 1200 lb. saw cut concrete blocks from an existing floor. The problem was that we did not have a machine that could reach some of the blocks. The only obvious answer was to break the blocks into smaller pieces with a sledgehammer and load them into a wheelbarrow. To me, this seemed to be too much labor at the time, so I improvised.

Using a few rocks and leverage, I removed the blocks from below the floor to an area that the machine could reach them for removal. After doing this several times, the technique became very easy and quick. This experience had me consider the possibility that people may have used this technique before modern day equipment was available.

Following My Instincts

Nine years later, after retiring, I decided to explore this on my own. I brought home a one ton block of concrete from a job. Once I got home, I realized that I had to use my techniques to get the block off the truck. After unloading, I found that my technique allowed me to move the block around the yard with very little effort. At that time, my family became very interested in what their "crazy dad" was up to " this time".

In a few days time, I decided my one ton block was no longer challenging, so I made some bigger blocks to play with. Within a few months time, I was moving, rolling, standing on end, and stacking them on top of each other.

I found that I, working alone, could easily move a 2400 lb. block 300 ft. per hour with little effort, and a 10,000 lb. block at 70 ft. per hour. I also stood two 8 ft. 2400 lb. blocks on end and placed another 2400 lb. block on top. This took about two hours per block. I found that one man, working by himself, without the use of wheels, rollers, pulleys, or any type of hoisting equipment could perform the task.

Testing The Technique

A year after beginning my project, my son needed a pole barn moved, due to a desired property split. I decided to put my technique to the test. The wood building was a 30 ft. by 40 ft. and 16 ft. tall. It weighed over 10 tons. In order to move the building, we added another 5 tons of bracing and reinforcement.

The conditions were not good. At first, the field was muddy and I could only work for a few hours a week. Working by myself, I still found that I could move the building at a speed of 6 ft. per hour. With my son helping, we doubled that speed. After 40 man-hours of labor, we moved the building over 200 ft.


I found I could move this building by myself by using physics, no wheels or rollers.


My first 1 man Stonehenge replica of 2400 lb. blocks put in place with no hoisting equipment.

Attempting To Solve A Mystery

For many years people have tried to solve the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids, some even claiming extra terrestrial intervention. I have always enjoyed the challenge of a mystery and I know that ET did not have anything to do with ancient construction. Similar works were done in different places on earth and at different times in history and there has to be a more accurate explanation. I believe skilled individuals performed the work. I have found that this work could easily be done using only primitive tools and physics.

The Tools

I have found that only simple wooden tools and gravity is needed for moving heavy weight. Nothing rigid is necessary. You do not need to lift weight to move it from place to place. Stones make excellent fulcrums and pivot points.

How To Use Physics

I found that the heavier an object is the easier it is to balance it. Since mass has to obey the laws of physics, it resists movement and once it is set in motion it resists change. Also, once a weight is close to balance on a single point, rotation can be initiated and the object becomes stable. The more weight, the more inertia, the more inertia, the more stable, therefore the heavier the better. Additional weight or leverage is used and can be shifted so the weight can be balanced on more than one fulcrum. For horizontal movement the fulcrum is also a pivot. Since leverage is not used under the object it does not interfere with motion. In the classes of levers, the lever is always in contact with the fulcrum, input, and the load. When I am using leverage or weight as input, it only comes in contact with the load and the load rests on the fulcrum. Therefore, the load is my lever. There is evidence of fulcrums on ancient megaliths throughout the world. I have spent years rediscovering The Forgotten Technology of our ancient ancestors. In response to Archimedes most famous quote "Give me a lever long enough, and a place on which to rest it, and I will move the world." I respond with "Give it two places to rest and I can also move the world." I didn't mean to challenge him, all I meant to do is explain it to you.

Lever Classes

Which class is it? According to a Physics book, " Levers are divided into three classes based on relative positions of the input, fulcrum and load. A lever for which the input and load are located on opposite sides of the fulcrum is a class 1 lever. If the input and the load are located on the same side as the fulcrum, the lever belongs to class 2 or 3."

In the technique that I have been using for my demonstrations, the load rests directly on the fulcrum and the input rests on the load. Is the load the lever or have I been moving my blocks without a lever at all?


Introducing The First Machine To Walk The Face Of The Earth

I have found that ancient legends from around the world are true. Some megaliths could have been set in place by as few as one man. I could build The Great Pyramid of Giza, using my techniques and primitive tools. On a twenty-five year construction schedule, (working forty hours per week at fifty weeks per year, using the input of myself to calculate) I would need a crew of 520 people to move blocks from the main quarry to the site and another 100 to move the blocks on site. For hoisting I need a crew of 120 (40 working and 80 rotating). My crew can raise 7000 lb. 100 ft. per minute. I have found the design of the pyramid is functional in it’s own construction. No external ramp is needed.

The Forgotten Technology

I have began to build a replica of Stonehenge with eight 10 ton blocks on end and 2 ton blocks on top. One man, no wheels, no rollers, no ropes, no hoist or power equipment, using only sticks and stones. In the future, either myself, sons, or grandsons will be able to show this and other forms of The Forgotten Technology to the world. I believe that I have learned to use the laws of physics to my advantage.
Finally, after much delay due to other commitments, I have begun playing with 10 ton blocks. I have recently purchased new video equipment to properly document and enhance the quality of my recordings.


On June 22, 2003 my sons Jim and Ed assisted me in placing concrete to create my first block for this project. Jim is the owner of Wallington Construction. He specializes in commercial concrete placements. Ed is an Optometrist and is the owner of Visual Eyes Corporation. Both of my sons as well as the rest of my family share my interest and enthusiasm in my projects.

My main block tips the scales at 19,200 lbs. My counter weight block, which is needed to move the main block, weighs 2,400 lbs. The small counter, counter weight block weighs 300 lbs. These blocks will require a one month cure before its ready to be worked with. My first challenge is to tip the main block up, allowing me to remove forms and to place fulcrumits. I will also need to raise the counter weight block on top of the main block. All of these tasks I believe I can do alone using only simple tools and gravity.

To provide an effort that ancient builders may have used these techniques, I am demonstrating that I can use them myself.

All viewers using a dial up connection please allow ample time for page to load.

Finally, after much delay due to other commitments, I have begun playing with 10 ton blocks. I have recently purchased new video equipment to properly document and enhance the quality of my recordings.

On June 22, 2003 my sons Jim and Ed assisted me in placing concrete to create my first block for this project. Jim is the owner of Wallington Construction. He specializes in commercial concrete placements. Ed is an Optometrist and is the owner of Visual Eyes Corporation. Both of my sons as well as the rest of my family share my interest and enthusiasm in my projects.

My main block tips the scales at 19,200 lbs. My counter weight block, which is needed to move the main block, weighs 2,400 lbs. The small counter, counter weight block weighs 300 lbs. These blocks will require a one month cure before its ready to be worked with. My first challenge is to tip the main block up, allowing me to remove forms and to place fulcrumits. I will also need to raise the counter weight block on top of the main block. All of these tasks I believe I can do alone using only simple tools and gravity.

To provide an effort that ancient builders may have used these techniques, I am demonstrating that I can use them myself.

In learning to create and use conditions of equilibrium, I built what I refer to as a "round road." I first used this road four years ago on 2400 lb. blocks, and found that it worked well with the aid of a short wooden tool.

I will attempt to use this technique to shift this 300 lb. counterweight. It takes only seconds to move the block 8 ft. horizontally. What would be the challenge of rolling a round weight?

I am tipping the main block in order to place shoring.


I am removing the forms from under the left side allowing me to place the fulcrumits. Next, I am using conditions of equilibrium to move the counterweight from the shoring box to the main block.

In order to walk the counterweight, I must apply about 40lbs of pressure to my lever and rotate the block.

Once the counterweight is properly positioned, a single step can be taken by rotation. The counterweight must be moved to the other end to take the next step. During rotation, inertia is created which stabilizes the mass. See page 1 for demonstration. I have challenged myself to find the limit that one man can move using my techniques, and found that my next block may be larger. A reminder, I also intend to stand this block and 7 more on end and place 8 lintels on top.


Herodotus Machine

The Daily Planet at the Discovery Channel in Toronto witnessed the raising and standing of the block. In order to stand the block on end, I first needed to raise it 3 feet vertically.


Here I am tipping the block from the shoring box into the pit measuring 5 ft. in depth.


After standing the block on end I needed to take two pictures to appreciate the relative perspective.

Project Spring 2004

The Egyptian Hoist: During experiments, I have found that a ramp constructed with a unit rise of one and a unit run of two gives me an advantage in hoisting or dragging a sled. This ramp has an ideal angle of slightly more than twenty-six degrees, and can be laid out with a string and a stone. Hoisting alone, I could raise one hundred eighty-five pounds at the speed of one hundred vertical feet per minute with little effort. It is more difficult to return to the start position than the actual hoist itself. I could easily drag a one-ton block on a sled over a flat and level surface at one hundred feet per minute.

Theorizing: If this hoisting technique was used at the Great Pyramid during construction, it would take twenty seven men one minute to hoist a five thousand pound block at a rate of one hundred vertical feet per minute. The external ramp that a block would ride on is the same angle as the outside of the pyramid.

I believe that there is enough room in the Grand Gallery (if ropes were strong enough) to hoist fifteen-ton blocks at a rate of one hundred feet per minute. Larger blocks could use the walking technique described earlier.

In phase one of construction, the descending ramp would have been used until the ramp in the Grand Gallery was completed. Then the air shafts in the King’s chamber and anti-chamber were used to transfer power to the outside. A serviceable roller would be necessary at the bend in the air shaft leading from the king’s chamber. In order for hoisting to be continued, the rope had to be cycled through the queen’s chamber and through the air shafts therein to return to the outside.

A raised floor is also necessary in the Grand Gallery to accommodate the workmen and give access to cycle the work force below the floor and back to the start position. In order to use this ramp, the start position is at the top. The workmen can use a harness around the lower back to attach to the main rope, which runs between their feet. The workmen must face the top of the ramp and lean backward to apply pressure to the main rope. Now the workmen simply walk backwards down the ramp while maintaining pressure to move the loads. The headroom in the descending ramp is adequate for this.

I have found that one man, myself, can produce as much as .56 horsepower using this technique. Using this number, the total number of men needed to move stones from the quarry to their place in the Great Pyramid is eight hundred. (Side note: The aide of levitation or extra terrestrial assistance is not necessary.)

Egyptian Hoist

In the above picture I am hoisting a 180 pound block, 10 vertical feet in 6 seconds, creating over 1/2 horsepower. I designed my hoist for a capacity of 2 horsepower. If this technique was used at the Great Pyramid over 200 horsepower could have been created at any one time. For continuous hoisting at the Great Pyramid working a 40 hour week, 50 weeks a year, and for 25 years, only 20 horse power would be required.

The author does not recommend that this be attempted as the dangers of working with heavy weights are obvious.


On October 7 2005 my son Jim helped in placing the concrete on the second block of the Stonehenge project.


I have increased the weight of my new block to 20,500 pounds. It will take about a month's cure time until the block will be ready for action. I have planned some variations of the technique to attempt increasing the horizontal speed of movement.


Egyptian cradles or stone rockers?

In order to expedite moving of the counterweight I have chosen to use my round road. Segments shown in picture above.

Now I can shift my counterweight of 2400lbs. in a matter of seconds, instead of minutes. I also believe this technique was used in ancient times at the quarries in Egypt with the channels that still exist. I can now readjust my required manpower numbers to a lower figure.


At present: I am working on applying my techniques to something that may be useful in today's time.

Ну? С богом, что ли? Одеваем!

Suum cuique

01 червня 2011, 01:22
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